No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else’s draft.  — H. G. Wells

profile pic with bunny ears
Like Jerry Maguire, I started my business with one—and only one—client. My “Rod Tidwell” was Hugh Howey, author of the bestselling novel WOOL, trailblazer of self-publishing, and inspiration to a generation of aspiring independent authors.

In following Hugh’s career, and the remarkable growth of self-publishing in general, I was introduced to a burgeoning community of talented writers—people with day jobs, kids to raise, parents to care for, yet with such a love of writing that they nevertheless made the time to write. I was as impressed by their passion for their craft, and by their commitment to pursuing their dreams, as I was by their talent. And it occurred to me that I’d like to be a part of that. And that, if I could be of some small use to a mega-success like Hugh Howey, then maybe I could also help these talented unknowns as they try to find their own audiences.

So I hung out a shingle. And since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of great writers and interesting people—and I’ve been privileged to have a front-row seat as some of the “unknowns” I’ve worked with have gone on to become mega-successes of their own. It’s thrilling to watch, and a great feeling to have played a role in helping them achieve their goals.

One year after opening shop, thanks to the trust and support of authors like these, I was able to quit my day job. Now I edit full-time.

I live in Richmond, Virginia, with my wife and two kids.